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The right man: How to get the right man

5 Ways to get the right man for you

29 year old banker Cleo feels that it’s definitely time to find the right man, get into the right relationship and develop the right family. And she is serious – dead serious about her intentions.

She has had these intentions since she was 25. In fact since 21 she decided that by the time she her was 25 she would chose exactly the right man for her, be in a relationship, marry in a year or two and by 29/30 she would be having children.

Not a bad plan at all. The problem is, now she is bordering on the big 30 and she is no right man on the horizon of her romantic life? Why?

Well there are many reasons. Here are some of the reasons that you probably can relate to

  1. Cleo had a wonderful idea of getting the right man. But it was just a great idea. A romantic dream that she hoped would simply fall into place.
  2. She had no plan. As crazy as this sound we plan everything else in out lives but tend not to plan out our romantic lives. We plan how to get a career (which courses, schools and certificates we need to get). We plan holidays but very few of us plan how to get and secure a great relationship.

    the right man
    Are you only dreaming about the right man?
  3. She took no firm continuous action. She expected everything to simply fall in place. She felt that men would simply always pay her loads of attention and she would only have to pick the best of the lot. Well not always the case, as she sadly later found out. Yes while she was in her bloom 21-27 she had loads of men hassling her, however she recently she has noticed a significant drop-off of interest from men.
  4. She became so busy, studying, getting a job, involved in church activities, and trying to improve her career that unwittingly she had little or no time to work on her goal of securing the right man in her life

Are you suffering the same fate as Cleo?

Here as 5 things you can do to get the romantic ball rolling

  1. Write down 3 things you want to see happen to your romantic life in 1 year’s time. E.g. have at least 5-10 new male friends, having 2-3 dates in a month or going steady with someone. Writing something down is quite significant
  2. Write down any possible prospects that have. This person has either showed interesting in you or someone has recommended. Also include people you like or have some interest in.
  3. Take each of the names you have written down in number 2 and make contact with them. This may not be easy especially if you have some chemistry but it is crucial. To develop a relationship you must relate. This does not mean you have to tell the you love them. N0. It is simply a way of interacting with them. Without some sort of interaction, nothing will happen.
  4. Register on several dating sites just for the fun and exercise of interacting with men
  5. Decide to go to or do new things that will bring you in contact with new people

If you are really serious about finding that illusive soul mate, why not let me help you? I have put together an action plan that will get you in touch with the right man within a year – some people have found their partners in months. You can too. Simply put your name email in the optin form on this page and to let me know that you are ready to get the right man in your life. I am only taking on 10 people this month so act now.

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